Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Let’s go fishing

         And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”
          - Mark 1:17

Hubby and I are checking off a bucket list item today – deep sea fishing!
I can barely contain myself, I am so excited!
I wonder if Simon and Andrew were as excited when Jesus told them they would be fishers of men.
They must have been, because the Bible says that they immediately left their nets and followed Him.
I wonder if we would respond as quickly if we were told to drop everything.
I would like to think that I would, but I am an imperfect human, so I am sure it would not go the way I have it planned at all.
I hope that we catch lots of fish today.
I really hope that my words, this email / blog catches the eyes of someone who needs to hear His word, and as a result, they too become fishers of men.

Have a blessed day!  

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