Friday, May 25, 2018

an opportunity

Make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Today I will post my 500th blog post. 
What started out as a simple email with a Bible verse to a dozen or so friends, expanding to a daily Bible verse email to 89 people with commentary that I copied from other sites (I know, plagiarism – bad Kitty)  has now grown into a ministry where I am writing my own commentary and sharing via email, blog, facebook, and several other social media venues.
Make the most of every opportunity.
You hear story after story of people standing in line waiting for something, check out, bank tellers, or entrance to an event  and suddenly one person makes some nasty remark and then, lemmings that we are, everyone is in an uproar over some innocuous thing.
Salt and Light.
These are the things that we are supposed to be.
Making the most of every opportunity could mean sharing the Gospel when you least expect it.
Perhaps there is a reason that the line is so long. 
Maybe it is an opportunity for you to make a new friend, and share the love of Christ.

Have a blessed day!

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