Wednesday, May 30, 2018

dream small

But the noble make noble plans, and by noble deeds they stand.
- Isaiah 32:8

Do you have a dream?
Is it wealth, a fantastic job, a larger family, a significant other?
Or is it simply that you get through another day because of circumstances around you.
It could even be that you find a pretty button.
Song reference!
It's a momma singing songs about the Lord
It's a daddy spending family time that the world said he cannot afford
These simple moments change the world
It's a pastor at a tiny little Church
Forty years of loving for the broken and the hurt
These simple moments change the world

Dream small
Don't bother like you've gotta do it all
Just let Jesus use you where you are
One day at a time
Live well
Loving God and others as yourself
Find little ways where only you can help
With His great love
A tiny rock can make a giant fall
Dream small

It's visiting the widow down the street
Or dancing on a Friday with your friend with special needs
These simple moments change the world
Of course, there's nothing wrong with bigger dreams
Just don't miss the minutes on your way, your bigger things
'Cause these simple moments change the world

But dream small
Don't bother like you've gotta do it all
Just let Jesus use you where you are
One day at a time
Live well
Loving God and others as yourself
Find little ways where only you can help
With His great love
A tiny rock can make a giant fall
So dream small

Keep loving, keep serving
Keep listening, keep learning
Keep praying, keep hoping
Keep seeking, keep searching
Out of these small things and watch them grow bigger
The God who does all things makes oceans... from river

But dream small
Don't bother like you've gotta do it all
Just let Jesus use you where you are
One day at a time
Live well
Loving God and others as yourself
Find little ways where only you can help
With His great love
A tiny rock can make a giant fall....
Yeah, five loaves and two fish's could feed them all
So dream small
Dream small

What a beautiful, simple concept.
We should all have dreams, no matter how small.

Have a blessed day!

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