Thursday, May 4, 2017

He's got me

He will not let your foot slip — He who watches over you will not slumber...

I still remember when my children were little, I would sneak in and watch them sleep.
Sometimes it was to check on them when they were sick and sometimes it was just to check on them for no reason.
Sometimes it was to stand in awe and remind myself of the grace and wonder of God's love for giving me such blessings.
(if my children read this, they probably won’t believe it, but yes, they are blessings to me)
Even now that they are much older, I still pray for them, these precious gifts from the Father.
To know that my God looks at me in the same way, but with even greater delight and joy, fills me with unspeakable wonder.
I wonder how I was blessed with my children, and then I wonder how I am blessed to be a child of the one true King.

Have a blessed day! 

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