Thursday, January 26, 2023

be careful

So be careful how you act; these are difficult days. Don’t be fools; be wise: make the most of every opportunity you have for doing good.

- Ephesians 5:16-16 (TLB)


These are difficult days indeed.

Unfortunately, in difficult times we see the worst in people instead of the best. 
Things posted on social media can be taken out of context and emotions can escalate very quickly, often resulting in irrevocable damage to relationships.

People tend to think that everything is about them, whether it is or not.

Don’t be a fool – think through your actions before you post something or do something that cannot be taken back.

I found this on the internet:

Five things you will never recover in life –

  1. A stone after it’s thrown.
  2. A word after it’s spoken. 
  3. An occasion after it’s missed.
  4. Time after it’s passed. 
  5. Trust after it’s lost. 

I think I have seen all five items over the last year in what used to be my innermost circle.

I wish we would have focused more on doing good, instead of pointing fingers.

Be careful how you act; these are difficult days.

We need to stop being fools.    



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