Friday, January 20, 2023

a warning

For how can we walk together with your sins between us?

- Amos 3:3 (TLB)


In this short (15 verses) chapter in the book of Amos, God is confronting the Israelites, offering them one more chance before He destroyed the northern kingdom.

Written almost 800 years before the birth of Christ, God is (once again) asking His people to admit their sin and repent.

God wants us to walk with Him, but we cannot walk with Him and continue to disregard His commandments.

Things have not changed in the 2,000 plus years since Jesus walked on the earth, humans are still consistent about living their own way, disregarding how the Bible says we should live. 

We see this everyday in our world, people who lie, cheat, steal, treat others with disrespect and still expect that they will get into Heaven.

Until we change our hearts, we are not going to see His kingdom.  
Verse 12 of this chapter reads “
The Lord says, “A shepherd tried to rescue his sheep from a lion, but it was too late; he snatched from the lion’s mouth two legs and a piece of ear. So it will be when the Israelites in Samaria are finally rescued—all they will have left is half a chair and a tattered pillow.”

Are you looking like a tattered pillow, or are you coming to Him whole?



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