Tuesday, April 20, 2021

my right

“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive.”

- 1 Corinthians 10:23


We humans seem to believe that we have the right to do and say anything we want to do and say regardless of how it may affect others.

Something that is offensive to one person may not be offensive to many others, but today’s culture has deemed that if one person takes offense then all must take offense and the offending item, words, books, movies, plays, they are all eradicated from our society no matter the historical significance.

While we can’t always please every person at every moment, we also can’t forget where we started. 

We can’t erase the mistakes we made, and we should not forget them, because we don’t want to repeat them!

We have the right to do and say anything we want, but we do need to THINK.

Is it True

Is it Helpful 

Is it Inspiring

Is it Necessary

Is it Kind   

In our history we didn’t always THINK.

In our present we don’t always THINK.

We can’t erase the past and we shouldn’t forget it, but we should strive for a better future for everyone.




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