Thursday, April 1, 2021


Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good!

- Psalm 14:1 (NLT)


There is a cat behind you! April Fool’s! (although in my case very possibly true!)

How many of us have been on the receiving end of a silly harmless April Fool’s prank or joke?

How many of us have instigated the silliness?

My kids used to dislike April first because their dad and I would come up with something to annoy them like filling their room with balloons, Vaseline on the door handle, colored light bulbs to convince them they were seeing things, once we even told them we were moving to Alaska.

Then when they tried to get us back they failed (water balloons – hee hee).

The history of April Fool’s day is pretty interesting, if you have time, check out .

There are some people that take the April Fool’s pranks a little too far, not realizing that the words they think are funny are actually causing another pain – for example posting on social media that you are pregnant is a horrible joke to someone struggling with infertility or the loss of a child, so I beg you to think before you post a prank like that.

The Bible says that being a fool is a question of identity, it begins with what a person believes in his heart (Proverbs 23:7) and a fool believes that he only has himself to rely on, that there is no God. 

Not me, I know there is God, I know that Jesus gave His life for me, for ME!!

The enemy will do everything he can to make you not believe. 

Don’t be a fool.



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