Monday, April 12, 2021

happy anniversary

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

- Ephesians 4:2-3


Today marks 24 years of marriage to my wonderful husband.

That is a long time!

Together we have learned a LOT of things, how to raise kids, how to be a family, how to be individuals, how to love God.

We have made mistakes along the way, but we are still very much in love with each other.

The Bible talks about marriage from beginning to end, in Genesis there is reference to Adam and Eve, Ecclesiastes talks about marriage being a lifelong commitment, Ephesians clearly states that husbands and wives are to love and respect each other. 

Isaiah tells us that an ideal marriage relationship mirrors God’s loving relationship with His people, Proverbs says a strong marriage relationship is precious.

Marriage is of God, he instituted marriage and blessed marriage.

I am completely blessed that God gave me my husband, as far as I am concerned he is my perfect soulmate.

We have a lot of years ahead of us, it won’t always be a smooth ride, but as long as we have each other and God, we can survive the bumps.

I love you, honey, happy anniversary.



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