Monday, April 17, 2017

Be gentle

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.

In today’s world we are programmed to seek and to display extravagant over-reaction and over-hyped personality.
Look at how we react to the media and events around the globe.
Gentleness is that moderating grace in the midst of chaos and conflict.
Gentleness is vital to bring the peace of God to our conflict-laden world.
How can we be gentle?
How can we restrain from over-reacting to the wounds, offenses, and slights that come our way?
The Lord is near!
He is our vindication and our example.
He is our comfort, our hope,  our strength and He is near.
We are not alone and our destiny, reputation, and value are not up to us to establish or to defend.
Be gentle.

Have a blessed day!

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