Thursday, April 27, 2017


Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Well here it is again!!!
I suffer from anxiety, the worry over things which I cannot control and do not remove from my thoughts.
Anxiety dominates and controls a passive mind and a troubled heart, filling both with doubt, fear, and dread.
Anxiety cannot be removed; it must be replaced.
Anxiety has affected me personally in major terrible ways – the feelings of hopelessness and despair can be overwhelming.
I have a specific issue right now that is making me very anxious, I really need to “let go and let God”, but this, this is something that is affecting someone that I love very much.
Obviously I cannot control it, it is really up to God and the person facing the issue, but I still cannot help feeling helpless in finding a resolution.
Not only do I need to “let go and let God”, but the person facing the issue needs to do that as well.
We remove our anxiety by giving our concerns and worries to the Lord, trusting Him to care for us.
Then, as we give Him thanks for what He has done and what He is doing in our lives, we replace those concerns and worries with a genuine sense of His presence.
As a result, our confidence in His future for us can return.
Now, if I can just practice what I preach. . .

Have a blessed day! 

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