Monday, September 16, 2024


All the labor of man is for his mouth, And yet the soul is not satisfied.

- Ecclesiastes 6:7 (NKJV)


Do you remember the board game “Hungry, Hungry Hippos”?
It’s a Hasbro (Milton Bradley) game from 1978 known as “the game of marble chomping madness”, with the point of the game to get all the marbles on your side using your little hippo.
There is no time limit, unless you set one, you just put all the marbles back in the center and keep chomping.
Boy, those hippos are hungry, they never get enough to eat! 
I have seen human versions of this game, too. 
One person is on a furniture roller with a round laundry basket, another person moves them by their feet, trying to capture ball pit sized balls with the basket.
I think that looks fun. 
What does this child’s game have to do with Ecclesiastes? 
Well, humans can be a lot like the hungry hippos. 
We work so hard to put food on the table, some of us put in more hours at work than we do with our family.
But then we get hungry again, an endless cycle where we are never satisfied. 
Our souls on the other hand, should be like hungry hippos, but we don’t work nearly as hard to feed our soul.
Spiritually we are starving, and we just don’t know how to satisfy that hunger. 
In this verse, our Teach is telling us to slow down, listen to Him, meditate on His word.
Only by making God a more regular part of our lives will we start to satisfy the hunger in our soul.


Daily Inspiration from the Bible

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