Tuesday, September 3, 2024

somebody prayed

And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.

- Romans 8:26 (NLT)


“I’ll pray for you”.
I see that a lot on social media, I hear it a lot in daily life, but do you really pray when you tell someone that you will? (you should.)

I have seen a lot of craziness in my life, some things that simply could not be explained.
Maybe some one prayed. 
Coming back from the Sturgis motorcycle rally this year, I learned of a young man that had gone missing on his travels home.
I feel like I can write about it without exclusive permission from his family, because his story made nationwide news.
To keep it short, the young man was traveling with friends, and they had designated stops to check in, in the event they were separated.
When he didn’t arrive at a checkpoint, his group went back to the last place they saw him and within hours reported him missing.
Searches were coordinated, there were families, search dogs, drones, everything you can imagine.
There were negative folks that dreamed up conspiracy theories about his friends or that he didn’t want to be found.  
I don’t think that I am exaggerating when I say the entire biker community pulled together to search, to pray, to donate funds, to support his family.
Five days after he went missing, he was found alive. 
He had hit a deer (or swerved to miss it, I am unsure on that) and went over an embankment, he suffered five days with broken ribs, left shoulder and hip injuries, right ankle injury and right lung collapsed and so many more injuries, but he was found ALIVE.
Somebody prayed – a whole lot of somebodies prayed. 

Just this year Crowder released a song called Somebody Prayed, I heard it for the first time shortly after this young man had been found.

Y’all – I know some of you skip over lyrics when I post them in my messages, but you need to hear these:
Every night there by your bed

You fold your hands and bow your head

Throwing out another prayer in faith

When you're wondering if He's hearing you

Look at me, I'm living proof

I'm only right where I am today

Because somebody prayed

So I hit my knees 'cause I've seen all heaven move

(Don't matter if you hit rock bottom)

(My God pick you up when you call Him)

I pray, "Father, please" 'cause I've seen what He can do

(Don't matter if the storm cloud coming)

(My God come through when you call Him)

These hands have no power

But there ain't an hour He don't come through

That's why when mountains move, I say

"Looks like somebody prayed"

For the child of God that's far from home

The one who thinks they're too far gone

I'm throwing out another prayer in faith (prayer in faith)

Worn-out altars, tear-stained pews

Still, I won't give up on you

I believe that anything can change when somebody prays

So I hit my knees 'cause I've seen all heaven move

(Don't matter if you hit rock bottom)

(My God pick you up when you call Him)

I pray, "Father, please" 'cause I've seen what He can do

(Don't matter if the storm cloud coming)

(My God come through when you call Him)

These hands have no power

But there ain't an hour He don't come through

That's why when mountains move, I say

"Looks like somebody prayed"

I've seen miracles come from feeble words

I've seen hospital rooms turned into cathedrals

I've seen freedom come to the prisoner

You can't tell me that prayer don't work

So every night there by your bed

When you fold your hands and bow your head

Not a single word you've ever said in vain

'Cause He hears everything
Somebody prayed for this young man. 
Somebody has prayed for me.
Somebody has prayed for each of us. 
Not all prayers are answered the way we want them to be answered, but all prayer is heard, and that is what we need to remember.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible


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