Monday, September 23, 2024

little things

If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.

- Luke 16:10 (NLT)

One time when I was a pre-teen, I asked permission to walk to the little mom & pop store several blocks away.
Long story short, she said no but I did it anyway, I got caught and I got grounded.
It took a long time before my mother would trust me again, and I really didn’t understand what the big deal was, but you see, I had broken her trust.
Trust is a big word for only being five letters.
We act like it is not a big deal and we go through life telling the occasional little lie thinking that no one will know and that it doesn’t hurt anyone.

Nothing could be farther from the truth (hey another five-letter word!).

When we want a big promotion at work , we need to show that we deserve it by excelling at the small tasks. 

You would not graduate from high school and immediately be hired as a CEO of a company, you work your way up there, proving that you are going to succeed.
Even high school requires faithful commitment, just because you’d rather hang with friends doesn’t mean you should skip school.
For the student that skips a class thinking it won’t matter could find repercussions in the form of failing a class and having to retake it.  
That act of not being faithful to a school schedule could potentially cost an entire semester, early admission to college things just roll down hill from there.
You even need to be honest with God, don’t try and hide what you are doing or saying.

Prove to God that you can be trusted with the small jobs, and He will trust you with the bigger ones.

Start with your heart, be right with God and then you can move on to the bigger things He has planned for you.

Be honest, be faithful - even in the little things so when the big things come along people know they can trust you.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible


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