Monday, September 30, 2024

anxious hearts

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

- Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)


Anxiety is a real thing; it can be a simple as a slight nervous feeling or as complex as being unable to get out of bed.
People that have never experienced anxiety in any way, shape or form are the ones that you hear saying “get over it”.
I wish it were that simple. 
When things pile up on you, sometimes it gets to the point that you can’t breathe.
Sometimes all you can do is cry. 
We need to remember to cry out to God. 
Jeremy Camp released a song called Anxious Heart in 2021 – I am not sure how I had never heard it until recently.
Locked up and I'm so in my head

Heart starts racing and I can't slow it down

Hands shaking and I'm losing my breath

Paralyzed with a mind spinning out

My strength has grown weak

No words left to speak

I fall to my knees

'Cause I know what I need

You are the light when my world goes dark

You hold me together when I'm torn apart

When my thoughts have run away too far

You're the calm for my anxious heart

You're the calm for my anxious heart

You're the calm for my anxious heart

Wrapped up in the arms of your love

Stilled by the silence above all the noise

Burden's light when you're lifting it up

Fear is terrified by the sound of your voice

'Cause you don't grow weak

Your world is peace

I fall to my knees

'Cause I know what I need

You are the light when my world goes dark

You hold me together when I'm torn apart

When my thoughts have run away too far

You're the calm for my anxious heart

You're the calm for my anxious heart

You know everything about me

You come and surround me

And everything that holds my soul

Falling is surrender, learning to remember

You're the one who's in control

You are the light when my world goes dark

You hold me together when I'm torn apart

When my thoughts have run away too far

You're the calm for my anxious heart (yeah)

You are the life when my breath is gone (you are)

You're the hope when I'm stuck in the storm

I know this is still who you are

You're the calm for my anxious heart

The first three lines had me stopping in my tracks:

Locked up and I'm so in my head

Heart starts racing and I can't slow it down

Hands shaking and I'm losing my breath

This is how anxiety feels, y’all.

When you aren’t even sure that you can take another breath, that is anxiety and you don’t just “get over it”.
We have to learn to go to God, to trust in God, to know that He has our best interest in His plan for us.
I am by no means discounting professional help.
Prayer can help us cope with and heal from anxiety.
Going to God with our problems can help those of us that struggle with our mental health.
But we should also remain open to seeking medical advice and consulting with professionals as needed.
In an interview about his song Anxious Heart, Jeremy Camp said “
Jesus breaks through the darkness and calms your anxious heart. When God speaks, I hear a love that is more real than any fear or doubt. I’m learning to remember He’s the One who’s in control of my anxious heart.”
We don’t hear it any clearer than that.  
God is the calm for our anxious heart.


Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Friday, September 27, 2024

sad after all these years

A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance;

- Ecclesiastes 3:4 (NKJV)


My brother would have been 64 years old today.
Dang, that is old!  (sorry, it’s only old because it is him!) 
There are so many times that I wish I could talk to him, show him something, share my crazy life with him.
I know that he was not perfect, I know he hurt people that he was supposed to love, but he was still my brother.
As much as it hurts 33 years later to celebrate his birthday without him here, I know that God had other plans for him.

His memory lives on in my heart.
Every time I ride my motorcycle. 
Every time I see Snoopy (The Peanuts character). 
Every time I stand and sing the national anthem, he is in my heart. 
Happy birthday, big brother. 

You will never be forgotten.


Daily Inspiration from the Bible


Thursday, September 26, 2024


 Preach the Word of God. Preach it when it is easy and people want to listen and when it is hard and people do not want to listen. Preach it all the time. Use the Word of God to show people they are wrong. Use the Word of God to help them do right. You must be willing to wait for people to understand what you teach as you teach them.

- 2 Timothy 4:2 (NLV)


Crazy as it sounds, I have been writing my little blog since May 25th, 2016.
When I post this today, it will be my 2,009th post. 
There have been days when I have had only a dozen people read my thoughts about the word of God.
There was one post that brought 211 readers! 
I am open and honest; I often bare my soul in my writing. 
Through my daily musings, people have come to know me and sometimes even my family.
I have thought often about not writing anymore, then someone comes along and says that they needed to hear what I wrote that day.
Or that a song reference gave them chills or made them cry, just like it did for me.
I have had people tell me that I am interpreting a verse wrong, or that I am wrong, or that I left something out.

And that is ok.
God doesn’t want us to stop sharing His word, even when there are people that don’t want to listen.
We should continue to share, even when people disagree with us. 
Use the word of God to show people the right way to live but do it with a happy heart.
I’m not going to stop. 
God’s word will continue to live and breathe through me. 



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

working for a living

So I saw that there is nothing better for people than to be happy in their work. That is our lot in life. And no one can bring us back to see what happens after we die.

- Ecclesiastes 3:22 (NLT)


I’m showing my age here, but I remember a commercial from 1984 for Dunkin Donuts.
It was a 30 second spot showing a guy leaving early for work saying, “Time to make the donuts” and coming home late saying, “I made the donuts”.
He walks out the door and back in the door in all sorts of weather until he runs into himself coming and going.
So many of us feel this was, we go to work, we come home, wash, rinse, repeat. 

We work so hard to get the things we want and to do stuff that we enjoy that we sacrifice time with our families and we often sacrifice our own health.

But if we aren’t happy in our work, what are we accomplishing?

At the end of a busy day, do you feel like you made a difference, or do you feel like you just go repeat everything tomorrow?

Even stay-at-home parents and the folks that are retired need to find something they LOVE.

Spend time doing things that matter, that make a difference, take time with family and most important, take time to be with God.

The last line of this verse – no one can bring us back to see what happens after we die.

We can’t take it with us, and we can’t come back.

It is your choice to be happy.    



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

it is not well

Enjoy prosperity while you can, but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God. Remember that nothing is certain in this life.

- Ecclesiastes 7:14 (NLT)


Things get tough for all of us at times.
It is really hard to look up and smile when your heart is breaking inside. 

Mercy Me released Even If in 2017, the song hits me in the feels every time I hear it.
They say sometimes you win some
Sometimes you lose some
And right now, right now I'm losing bad
I've stood on this stage night after night
Reminding the broken it'll be alright
But right now, oh right now I just can't

It's easy to sing
When there's nothing to bring me down
But what will I say
When I'm held to the flame
Like I am right now

I know You're able and I know You can
Save through the fire with Your mighty hand
But even if You don't
My hope is You alone

They say it only takes a little faith
To move a mountain
Well good thing
A little faith is all I have, right now
But God, when You choose
To leave mountains unmovable
Oh give me the strength to be able to sing
It is well with my soul

I know You're able and I know You can
Save through the fire with Your mighty hand
But even if You don't
My hope is You alone
I know the sorrow, and I know the hurt
Would all go away if You'd just say the word
But even if You don't
My hope is You alone

You've been faithful, You've been good
All of my days
Jesus, I will cling to You
Come what may
'Cause I know You're able
I know You can

I know You're able and I know You can
Save through the fire with Your mighty hand
But even if You don't
My hope is You alone
I know the sorrow, I know the hurt
Would all go away if You'd just say the word
But even if You don't
My hope is You alone

It is well with my soul
It is well, it is well with my soul

Usually that song puts things back in perspective for me.
I serve an amazing and wonderful God. 
There are people with evil in their hearts, and while I know my God is good, this may be one of those times that He isn’t saying the word to make it go away.
I am sure there is a lesson here, and I am sure that it will be ok. 
But right now, I am at the beginning of the song – it’s easier to write when there’s nothing to bring me down.
I’m definitely held to the flame right now. 
My hope is in Him alone. 
Sadly, it Is not well with my soul.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Monday, September 23, 2024

little things

If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.

- Luke 16:10 (NLT)

One time when I was a pre-teen, I asked permission to walk to the little mom & pop store several blocks away.
Long story short, she said no but I did it anyway, I got caught and I got grounded.
It took a long time before my mother would trust me again, and I really didn’t understand what the big deal was, but you see, I had broken her trust.
Trust is a big word for only being five letters.
We act like it is not a big deal and we go through life telling the occasional little lie thinking that no one will know and that it doesn’t hurt anyone.

Nothing could be farther from the truth (hey another five-letter word!).

When we want a big promotion at work , we need to show that we deserve it by excelling at the small tasks. 

You would not graduate from high school and immediately be hired as a CEO of a company, you work your way up there, proving that you are going to succeed.
Even high school requires faithful commitment, just because you’d rather hang with friends doesn’t mean you should skip school.
For the student that skips a class thinking it won’t matter could find repercussions in the form of failing a class and having to retake it.  
That act of not being faithful to a school schedule could potentially cost an entire semester, early admission to college things just roll down hill from there.
You even need to be honest with God, don’t try and hide what you are doing or saying.

Prove to God that you can be trusted with the small jobs, and He will trust you with the bigger ones.

Start with your heart, be right with God and then you can move on to the bigger things He has planned for you.

Be honest, be faithful - even in the little things so when the big things come along people know they can trust you.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible


Thursday, September 19, 2024


The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.

- Genesis 9:16 (NKJV)


I have mentioned before that when we see things repeated in the Bible, it must be important.
Things like “fear not” (appearing 365 times), love one another (eleven times), forgive (49 times) are found multiple times.
The Bible was written in a day when information was not available at our fingertips, but memorized, so repetition was a way to help people remember what is important.
To repeat the same idea served to establish it as a strong point.
Symbolically then, when God "sees" the rainbow in the clouds, He will "remember" His covenant.
But God does not need to "see" the rainbow or "remember" His agreement, He is God!!
This repetition, the rainbow appearing in the sky after rain,  is meant for our reassurance.
God won’t forget us. 
God won’t go back on His word. 


Daily Inspiration from the Bible


Wednesday, September 18, 2024


If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

- Romans 12:18 (NIV)


I have heard that the word “politics” is derived from the Greek (or Latin, depending on who you believe) “poly” meaning many and the word “tick” which is a blood sucking insect.
Just like most of the things we hear or read, this is not one hundred percent true, this in fact is a joke.
“Politics” is a noun from the 1520’s referencing the science and art if government, where “politic” is an adjective pertaining to public affairs concerning the governance of a country or people.
Thank you, online etymology dictionary.
There is a reason why I tend to avoid social media and new stations around this time of year.
Because no one can agree and as a result everyone hates everyone. 
I had someone tell me once that if I don’t vote (I do vote) that I don’t care. 
Someone else told me that if I vote one way, I am dooming everyone and everything that this country believes in.
I have heard a hundred billion times “that’s not MY president” or “that’s not MY flag”.
I find it kind of funny that if I don’t believe the same way that someone else does, I must be totally against everything and apparently my friendship depends on what I believe.
Let me first say that I have family that died for that flag. 
Then let me remind everyone that we are called to live at peace with everyone. 
We don’t have to agree. 
We don’t have to discuss. 
But we do have to love. 
Stop spreading hate. 



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

you’re so smart

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom.

- James 3:13 (NKJV)


I was so excited when I realized that my GPA is 4.0 – that is really something for me, because well, I am old!
I decided I wanted to go back to school to pursue a degree in of some sort of religion, so I have been taking classes for an associate’s degree in Christian leadership.
That doesn’t mean I am smart though. 
There is a huge difference between earthly wisdom and heavenly wisdom.
Just like a person can be book smart or street smart, one must possess a good mix of the two to survive in this world.
We can go to every class offered, we can read every book and have an IQ of the highest possible score – that would make us earth smart, but unless we live wisely, we aren’t heaven smart.
Pastor John Miller explained in a 2018 sermon on living wisely: 
There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is the accumulation of facts; it’s having information. We live in an age of knowledge. Everyone has knowledge. You have in your hand a smart phone. We’re dumb people with smart phones. You can ask your phone anything and you can get the information immediately. So we have all this knowledge, but we don’t know how to relate to people. Have you ever met someone who is really smart, has a high IQ, but they make stupid life decisions? They don’t know how to relate to people. They don’t know how to get along with others. Their life is a mess. Knowledge doesn’t necessarily help you live out in your daily life the things that you need in relationships. So knowledge is information. Wisdom is knowing how to apply knowledge. Someone said, “Wisdom is living in a proper sense of values. It is living in light of what is true, what is right and what is lasting.” I believe that true knowledge is living in the light of eternal values.
I believe that true knowledge is living in the light of eternal values. 
Let that sink in. 



Daily Inspiration from the Bible


Monday, September 16, 2024


All the labor of man is for his mouth, And yet the soul is not satisfied.

- Ecclesiastes 6:7 (NKJV)


Do you remember the board game “Hungry, Hungry Hippos”?
It’s a Hasbro (Milton Bradley) game from 1978 known as “the game of marble chomping madness”, with the point of the game to get all the marbles on your side using your little hippo.
There is no time limit, unless you set one, you just put all the marbles back in the center and keep chomping.
Boy, those hippos are hungry, they never get enough to eat! 
I have seen human versions of this game, too. 
One person is on a furniture roller with a round laundry basket, another person moves them by their feet, trying to capture ball pit sized balls with the basket.
I think that looks fun. 
What does this child’s game have to do with Ecclesiastes? 
Well, humans can be a lot like the hungry hippos. 
We work so hard to put food on the table, some of us put in more hours at work than we do with our family.
But then we get hungry again, an endless cycle where we are never satisfied. 
Our souls on the other hand, should be like hungry hippos, but we don’t work nearly as hard to feed our soul.
Spiritually we are starving, and we just don’t know how to satisfy that hunger. 
In this verse, our Teach is telling us to slow down, listen to Him, meditate on His word.
Only by making God a more regular part of our lives will we start to satisfy the hunger in our soul.


Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Friday, September 13, 2024

it doesn’t matter

The eyes of a wise person see things clearly. A person who is foolish lives in darkness. But I finally realized that death catches up with both of them.

- Ecclesiastes 2:14 (NIRV)


Grief never really goes away.  It gets quieter, slower, and sometimes it comes rushing back like the sea”.
I heard that on a Netflix series that I was binge watching while my husband was out of town, and it struck a nerve with me.
Grief is weird. 
First, there are many things that cause humans to grieve. 
Then we get through the grief and past what ever trauma triggered the grief only to land back in the cycle a few days, weeks, months, even years later.

We often dwell on what went wrong and begin the process of grieving again.
Some people don’t understand grief or loss and so their “words of encouragement” are not at all encouraging, but rather mean instead.
If you are cycling through grief and someone tells you to “get over it”, or “it gets better” or the worst one  “it was just a pet”.
Everyone grieves differently. 
I have two friends who have lost beloved pets recently, and I know a person (who I don’t consider a friend) that is a breeder.
The two friends will still on occasion have tears over the loss of their fur babies, meanwhile the breeder is mercilessly destroying litters because they aren’t up to standards.
These three people are completely different in every way possible, obviously viewing the same situation from completely different points of view.
Death, injustice, and loss are facts of every life. 
There is a quote on the internet “
No matter how big your house is, how recent your car is, or how big your bank account is, our graves will always be the same size.
It doesn’t matter what your point of view is, if it clear or cloudy, light, or dark.
At the end of the day, we all die. 
Jesus died for us, a sacrifice so that we can be made right with God and find meaning in this crazy life.
Be a person that sees things clearly. 



Daily Inspiration from the Bible


Thursday, September 12, 2024

living water

For the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of waters. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.

- Revelation 7:17 (NKJV)


One of my favorite things to do is see the water, it can be lakes, streams, or oceans and I especially love the sound that moving water makes, it is so calm and peaceful.
Have you ever looked at a photo and you could hear it?  
I feel that way when I see waterfalls. 
If we take a deeper dive (ha ha) into this verse about living fountains of water, we learn that “water” is a metaphor for God’s grace and love.
It is the river of life; the pureness of Christ flowing into us to refresh and purify us.
The water is said to be living water because it is not only reviving, but it will last forever, as the love of God does.
That day is coming, friends, the day when we no longer battle the enemy, the only tears will be of joy.
We will be reunited with our Father. 
What a day that will be! 



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort

- 2 Corinthians 1:3 (NIV)


Another year has passed.
Thirty-two years since I lost my younger brother in a senseless tragic accident. 
Twenty-three years since America changed because of a senseless tragic event. 
You don’t have to be patriotic to understand the devastation of that day. 
In the days and weeks that followed our nation grieved, prepared for war, comforted one another.
For that moment, we were truly one nation under God. 
Today we are separated by politics, hate and intolerance. 
We no longer have love, respect, or sympathy for our neighbors. 
In general, people no longer go out of their way to help others, and we have stopped praying.
Why does it take a tragedy to bring us together?  
In 2024 we saw devastating tornadoes and floods, we watched communities bond together to support and rebuild.
But when the pieces are picked up, we turn back to our selfish ways and lose the compassion we had for one another.
Don’t be one of those people. 
Don’t stop loving your neighbor just because their roof is fixed or their house restored.
Be like the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, always.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

the truth

I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the Lord Almighty.

- 2 Corinthians 6:18 (NJKV)


I think that there are very few people in the world that have not been bullied by someone at some point in their life.
It isn’t just the kid on the playground that pushes another kid down and steals their lunch money anymore.

It’s the co-worker that interrupts you nearly every time you try to speak.
It’s the teacher that humiliates a child in front of the class. 
The neighbor that insults you. 

The spouse that prohibits you from seeing your friends.
The family member that spreads gossip about you.
Bullies are no longer that kid on the playground, but people in our lives every day.
A person can only be bullied to the point of suicide, we hear about it all the time.
Some people have been told so many lies about themselves that they start to believe it.

What if I told you that you are the child of a King?
That you are the son or daughter of a mighty God? 

Here, let’s let Megan Woods tell you “The Truth”
How many times can you hear the same lie

Before you start to believe it?

The enemy keeps whisperin' to me

I swear these days it's all that I'm hearin'

I used to know who I was

Now I look in the mirror, and I'm not so sure

Lord, I don't wanna listen to the lies anymore

The truth is I am my Father's child

I make Him proud and I make Him smile

I was made in the image of a perfect King

He looks at me and wouldn't change a thing

The truth is I am truly loved

By a God who's good when I'm not good enough

I don't belong to the lies, I belong to You

And that's the truth

When I feel like there's so much noise

Livin' rent-free in my head

Heaven finds me in a still small voice

And it sounds like grace instead

You remind me who I am

When I look in the mirror, and I'm not so sure

Lord, I don't wanna listen to the lies anymore

The truth is I am my Father's child

I make Him proud and I make Him smile

I was made in the image of a perfect King

He looks at me and wouldn't change a thing

The truth is I am truly loved

By a God who's good when I'm not good enough

I don't belong to the lies, I belong to You

And that's the truth

I know who I am

'Cause I know who You are

And I hold Your truth inside of my heart

I know the lies are always gonna try and find me

But I've never been so sure

The truth is I am my Father's child

I make Him proud and I make Him smile

I was made in the image of a perfect King

He looks at me and wouldn't change a thing

The truth is I am truly loved

By a God who's good when I'm not good enough (not good enough)

I don't belong to the lies, I belong to You (I belong to You)

And that's the truth


And that's the truth

Go listen to the song, it was just released in 2024, it is so powerful, the artist’s voice is almost haunting.  

This song was written by someone who knows what abuse is firsthand.
I think that there are very few people in the world that have not been bullied by someone at some point in their life.
If you are one of the few that has never been bullied, check yourself to make sure that you aren’t the bully.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Monday, September 9, 2024

more than lemonade

 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

- 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV)


If you have been reading my “daily bread” for a while, there are some things that you already know about me.
You know that I am passionate about cats. 
You know that I love my motorcycle. 
You know that I am a member of the Christian Motorcyclist’s Association and that I take fundraising very seriously.
You know that for the past seven years I have gone to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.
Now here is something that unless you are a rally-goer or a close friend of mine that you may not know.
There is a little boy that lives just outside of Sturgis, he decided in 2019 that he wanted to earn money to buy LEGOs.
[So you are aware, I have permission from his mother to share this story and his photo.]
I am sure I am going to get a few of the details wrong, but the little guy decided to set up a stand outside the rally and offer lemonade for donations.
He received enough money that first year to buy the LEGO set, but also make a nice donation to a charity and put some away for college.
He wanted to support a charity that made a difference in the lives of children, so he chose St. Jude’s Children’s Hospitals.

Are you ready for tears?
In FIVE years, this eleven-year-old boy has raised $101,614 for St Jude’s. 
He not only supports St Jude’s but other kids’ charities as well.

He has collected pop tabs for one kid, yards of fabric to donate to a little girl in Nebraska who makes 15”x15” encouragement pillows, toy drives at Christmas, - this little boy’s heart is huge. 
Grab a tissue, there is more to this story. 
He joined the cross-country team at his school this year, and just like his lemonade stand he is giving it all he’s got.
Friday his mom posted this on the social media group they set up so his family of 8,000 supporters can keep up with all the good he does:
Wyatt asked to stick around and cheer on the 7/8 grade boys and girls. At the end of the 7/8 grade boys’ race one of his teammates was one of the last 2 to come in. All the athletes started cheering for the last 2. And the athlete from Wyatt’s school got in front. And the kid who was now last quit and started walking. Wyatt looked back at me and said “mom, I’m going to go pace with him….” And off he went. Wyatt got right along side the fence with this kid and started encouraging him. He doesn’t know that kid. He may never see that kid again. But you know what happened? The kid started running again and finished the race strong side by side with Wyatt.

Sometimes we all need someone to come run along side us and help us keep going, don’t we? It shouldn’t matter if you know them or not. You may just be able to turn someone’s day around by cheering them on. As the two kiddos gave each other knucks and we headed to the car it was hard to not cry.
Wyatt is eleven years old, yet he is the epitome of today’s verse. 

In a letter written to the church in Thessalonia two thousand years ago, the apostle Paul told the Christ followers there to encourage one another.
And on another continent in another century there is an eleven-year-old boy who encourages people he doesn’t even know.
We need to do better. 
We need to learn from this little child who will lead us. 

If you want to donate to Wyatt, Google “Wyatt’s Lemonade” it will take you straight to his page.
I don’t know what his 2025 goal is, but you can bet, I’m going to try to help him meet it.


Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Friday, September 6, 2024

the image we see

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

- Genesis 1:27 (NKJV)


OK, yeah, it is another song.
This one is from We Are Messengers back in 2021 called Image of God, check it out:

I woke up with a broken heart in my chest

I couldn't sleep, couldn't get norest

Weigheddown by theheaviness of life

And I, try toshake it flipping through my phone

But all it does is make me feel more alone

How could anything that feels so wrong be right?

Seven billion voices separate us

But only one can show us who we are

We are made

Made in the image of

Made in the image of God

Beautiful shades of love

We are made

Made in the image of

Made in the image of God

That's where the light comes from, yeah

We all need the same medicine

We all need another second chance

There's no first in line at the foot of the Cross

Father, forgive me

Show my concrete heart

We are made

Made in the image of

Made in the image of God

Beautiful shades of love

We are made

Made in the image of

Made in the image of God

That's where the light comes from

We fall apart

We all lose sight of Heaven

But still Your love is chasing us

And oh give me a heart

For every heart that's breaking

And give me eyes to see

We're so much more than flesh and blood

People, hear me out!  We aren’t perfect, but God is.
Every single person is created in His image, and that gives us value. 
We are worthy, we are loved, we are put on this earth to show everyone who God is, and it should be easy, right?
We are made in His image, so we should be able to live like Him and show others (who are also made in His image) exactly who He is.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible



Thursday, September 5, 2024

come back

So we are Christ’s official messengers. It is as if God were making his appeal through us. Here is what Christ wants us to beg you to do. Come back to God!

- 2 Corinthians 5:20 (NIRV)


Sometimes a Bible verse needs no additional words.
Come back. 
God made you; He loves you and He wants you to love Him. 
Come back.

It is OK if you have lost your way, you can always come back.

Let me know if I can help – He wants you back.

Come back



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

still water

He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.

- Psalm 23:2 (NKJV)


Psalm 23 is probably one of the most well-known scriptures of all time, but I was really surprised to find that it is not in the top 10.

There is so much that is said in those six verses, so much comfort and peace.
But for today I’ll focus only on verse 2. 
I came back from vacation this year absolutely exhausted, yet I hit the ground running – there were things that had to be done!
I think (and I am told) that I often take on way more than I should, and that I need to say “no” more.
Time to rest. 
Leanna Crawford recently released Still Waters, I actually had to rewind it and listen several times.
Great Aunt Maurine said at a hundred and three

Write scripture on your heart for when you need it

Cause anxiety hates Psalm 23

So just say it to yourself 'til you believe it

And I'm feeling like I'm needing it right now

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want

He leads me by still waters 'til my fears are gone

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

O I know You are with me

My father, my friend

Your goodness and mercy will follow me all of my days

I know by Your still waters I'm safe

Lord I believe You can set me at ease

Turn this broken piece in me to peace and quiet

I know there's power in Your word

So I'll say it over and over til my soul's reminded

Oh The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want

He leads me by still waters 'til my fears are gone

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

O I know You are with me

My Father, my friend

Your goodness and mercy will follow me all of my days

I know by Your still waters I'm safe

Still waters run through

Any valley I could find

I'm laying fear down

Here at Heaven's riverside

Your word has been true

In every season of my life

I believe, yes I believe

Still waters run through

Any valley I could find

I'm laying fear down

Here at Heaven's riverside

Your word has been true

In every season of my life

I believe, yes I believe

Oh The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want

He leads me by still waters 'til my fears are gone

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

O I know You are with me

My Father, my friend

Your goodness and mercy will follow me all of my days

I know by Your still waters I'm safe
I can learn so much from this one:
1. Anxiety hates Psalm 23.
2. God can turn the broken pieces into peace and quiet.

3. There is power in His word.

4. We can find still waters in every season of our life.

5. He keeps me safe.

The Lord is my shepherd;

I shall not want.

He makes me to lie down in green pastures;

He leads me beside the still waters.

He restores my soul;

He leads me in the paths of righteousness

For His name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil;

For You are with me;

Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;

You anoint my head with oil;

My cup runs over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

All the days of my life;

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord

I don’t need to say anything else. 


Daily Inspiration from the Bible


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