Tuesday, May 14, 2024

faith and hope

Because of Christ, you have put your trust in God. He raised Christ from the dead and gave Him great honor. So now your faith and hope are in God.

- 1 Peter 1:21 (NLV)


There are a lot of things that we hope for in our lives.
We hope we pass that class. 
We hope we get that job. 
We hope we can accomplish everything we set out to do. 
And then there is faith, we need faith to know that we will pass that class. 
Faith helps us be confident in getting that job. 
Faith keeps us grounded when what we are trying to accomplish is overwhelming. 
Where do we find our hope and our faith? 

In Christ, in God.
There are so many things that could go wrong in a day, but our trust in God keeps us believing that He knows what He is doing and it will all be ok.
Put your trust in God, along with your faith and your hope. 
You’ll find there is no better place for those things to be. 



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

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