Friday, May 17, 2024

nothing at all

I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord. Without you, I don’t have anything that is good.”

- Psalm 16:2 (NIRV)


Do you ever look around you and think about everything that you have?
Maybe even think about how far you have come? 
I remember a time in my life when I didn’t own a thing. 
I lived in a rented house, made payments on a car that the bank owned, made payments on furniture that I bought.
And I didn’t have God. 
Fast forward years into the future, I have a lot! 
But now, I don’t just count the material things, because I have God. 
Because of God, I have a wonderful husband and an amazing extended family. 
Because of God, I wake up every morning, breathe with my own lungs, stand on my own feet, see with my own eyes.
None of this would be possible without my Lord. 
True security comes when God is the center of all that we think or do.

Circumstances shift, jobs change, and people can come and go, yet it is God who keeps us safe in the midst of change.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible


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