Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
- Matthew 5:9 (NKJV)
Peace seems to be a repeating theme this year.
I love that we are told that Jesus is the Prince of Peace and that with Jesus coming there will be peace.
That we lie beside peaceful waters in the 23rdPsalm.
The word peace is mentioned in the Bible over 400 times, and you know what I say about God repeating Himself.
We need to hear it.
We need peace.
We need to BE the peace.
A response was posted to my “daily bread” Monday titled “peace on earth”:
PEACE is an impossible term for humanity. The only way it is achievable is to have everyone look, dress, and think alike. There can be no freedom of choice or speech. That is the only way to achieve real peace. So, stop this nonsensical idea of peace on earth. For most, the only peace we will know is after we are dead and gone.
I believe that peace begins with us.
We must have inner peace, peace within ourselves before there will be peace in our beyond ourselves.
I responded to that comment with Matthew 19:28 (NIV) With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
Jesus, Son of the Living God was sent to us as the Prince of Peace, and here on earth we are to learn that as peacemakers we will be called sons of God.
We can stop the madness around us, but we can only do it with the grace of our Father.
Lean on Him, and start making changes in our world by making changes within ourselves.
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