Thursday, December 28, 2023

go seek

But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you.

- Luke 12:31 (NKJV)


Here we are, almost the end of 2023.

Luke 12 is where Jesus gives us warnings, but also encouragement.

Jesus tells us not to be afraid of God or even of random people, but to be afraid of evil, for evil is the one that can throw you into hell.

Jesus tells us that Gods will not forget us, that even the hairs of our head are numbered and that we are worth more to Him than sparrows.

Jesus tells us in Luke 12 the parable of the rich fool and what not to do with our possessions, but to store up our treasures in heaven and do not worry about food and clothing, for He will provide for us.

“Do not be afraid” He says, and “do not worry.”

But He does tell us to be ready.

Be ready for service.

Be ready to share His word.

As 2023 ends, let’s not dwell on what we should have done differently this past year, but instead, let’s focus on what we can do here, now, and in 2024.

Let’s shift our focus away from ourselves and focus on what He wants us to do.

Be ready for whatever comes your way but above all do not worry and do not be afraid – God is with you.




Daily Inspiration from the Bible


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