Wednesday, February 2, 2022

you’ve got a friend

When they cried out for help, You saved them, and You did not let them down when they depended on You.

- Psalm 22:5 (CEV)


We all have times in our lives when we are crushed and we turn to our friends for help.

We might ask for advice, for prayers, for financial assistance, sometimes we ask for a ride or a meal.

Hopefully we all have friends that we can turn to when we are down on our luck with a flat tire or no food in the pantry that are willing to give us a ride, or bring us food.

There are other times though, when we are devastated and thing are so dark it feels like there is no end in sight.

It is these times that we need to turn to the best friend we have – yeah, that’s God.

Throughout history, God has been faithful to His people, He has rescued them from sin and slavery, from war and illness.

God will not let us down! 
As we struggle through our bad times, we have to keep in mind that God will help us – maybe not in the way that we think we need help, but He will answer, He will deliver and He will bless His people.

In our worst of nightmares we can be reminded that God hears our cry, that He is there to save us too.

Even you, even me, no matter what we are facing, God will save us.  



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