Monday, February 14, 2022

it’s love again

Let all that you do be done with love.

- 1 Corinthians 16:14 (NKJV)


Happy Valentine’s Day!

I have to mention a cute little girl named Dixie who is celebrating her birthday today. Happy birthday, Dixie Jean!  

According to the internet, Valentines day is the number three holiday in retail, with number one being Christmas/Hanukkah and the second highest being Mother’s day.

I’ve heard Valentine’s day being referred to as “singles awareness day” and I’ve known of people who spend so much money trying to make their significant other feel special on Valentine’s day. 

Stop it!!

Don’t just make someone feel special one day a year, make everyone that you come in contact with feel the love of Jesus flowing through you.

When you go pick up your coffee, tip the baristas, and do it with love.

When you go out for dinner, hold the door open for your significant other with love.

Let all you do be done with love and let Jesus’ love for you show through the things that you do.

You may or may not have an earthly valentine this year, but God has been asking you to be His valentine since the day you were conceived.

You are God’s love story, so show it, live it, be the love that lives in you through Christ Jesus.




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