Thursday, February 10, 2022

be nice

Those who are kind benefit themselves, but the cruel bring ruin on themselves.

- Proverbs 11:17 (NIV)


I have five cats in my house (only five).

Most of the time they live peacefully with one another, eating together, grooming each other, curled up purring together.

I have even spotted all five of them on the bed sleeping at the same time.

Recently my oldest cat Mittens (6) has declared war on Latte (2), fighting with her, hissing and growling and poor Latte runs for the highest spot in the house or sequesters herself under the bed behind my storage boxes.  
Mittens does not fight with Princess Buttercup (4) or Mouse (3) and she even leaves the baby cat Boots (5 months) alone.

No, Mittens has a vendetta against Latte, she just doesn’t know how to be nice.

Mittens has brought ruin on herself by being cruel to Latte, because now she is forced to take a calming remedy which she hates because it probably tastes bad and I have to hold her down to administer it. 

If Mittens would be kind to Latte, she would find herself benefitting by receiving yummy treats and extra love.

Humans are the same really, we reap what we sow. 
When we sow kindness we receive kindness in return, sometimes all it takes is a smile.

But if we are cruel, bitter and mean others are going to hiss and growl at us, and probably tell their friends how horrible we are and then no one will want to be around us.

I can’t tell Mittens to be nice in a way that she will understand using words, it has to be a sort of behavior therapy.

Perhaps humans need behavior therapy too! 

I’m over here with the treats.



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