Wednesday, April 15, 2020

I'll share

All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.
- Acts 4:32

The hoarding and craziness of this pandemic is starting to slow down a bit.
I am not sure how many of the people that were buying out the store’s supply of toilet paper, hand sanitizer and cleaners really ever thought about what they were doing.
I don’t think they are believers, because they were not sharing.
I hope that none of my friends and family have to go without – people make jokes about what they do when they run out, but for some this is a very real possibility.
I used to think my grandmother was crazy because every week she bought Kleenex, paper towel, toilet paper and a few other “necessities”. 
When we cleaned her apartment because she had to go to assisted living, my family had enough paper towel to last a year.
I understand it now.
If you need something – anything – please let me know.  I will find a way to help.

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