Monday, December 16, 2019

just don't

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
— Romans 12:21

Every one is rushing around, trying to get those last-minute things done before the holiday.
I see and hear things out of people right now that is very uncharacteristic.
People who swear up and down that they are patient, or that they understand when others struggle are suddenly being that angry driver or the person shoving someone out of the way to get in line at the store.
I read somewhere that when we have to deal with difficult people or situations that we need to make sure that we don’t become those people.
Don’t become evil, wicked, petty, or cruel in our actions or conversations.
Remember that doing what is right and filling our hearts and lives with goodness is the way to overcome evil.
And there is no greater example of overcoming evil with good than Jesus.

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