Thursday, October 24, 2019

thanks for that?

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
- 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Ok, this is a hard one.
Even for me.
Give thanks in ALL circumstances?
But, I have missed out on some great things this summer because I broke my leg.
I’m supposed to give thanks for that???
My friend recently lost a dear friend of hers.
She is supposed to be thankful?
Really, yes.
I am thankful that when I broke my leg, it was not worse, that they were able to get me out of the area and to a hospital in reasonable time.
I am thankful that I have learned how strong I am, and how weak I am, and when to ask for help.
My friend, she is thankful for the time she had to know her friend, her world was changed for the better because of that friend.
So yes.
In all circumstances, give thanks.
You’ll be surprised at how your outlook changes!

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