Thursday, October 3, 2019

are you afraid?

Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety.
- Proverbs 29:25

Oh hey, it’s October!
Crisp fall days, bonfires, apple cider, and oh yeah, for some of you – pumpkin spice everything . . .
Some folks fear October, because it brings Halloween.
Goblins and ghosts and freaky creatures.
Personally, I have a crazy fear of spiders, so intense in fact that I will avoid aisles at the store with the creepy fake spider webs and things.
I have a crazy fear of people, too, I will avoid situations that place me around a bunch of people I don’t know.
People, fear, it is indeed a dangerous trap.
As humans, we need to feel safe.
Trusting in God will keep you safe.
Not “go play leap frog in traffic and you’ll be fine” safe, that is just dumb.
Spiritual safety.
If we have spiritual safety, everything else just falls in place. (except spiders – keep them away from me!!)

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