Monday, August 15, 2016

What have you scattered?

Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.

School is back in session for some – for others it will be starting in the next few days.
So many emotions!  The parents who are happy that they don’t have to hear “I’m bored!”, the kids grumbling that they have to go to bed early, do homework and all those terrible things, the parents who are sending their kids off to college or the military.
We all know what we teach our kids at home, but what happens when we are not with them?
Over the summer, many of us had campfires and cookouts.
Have you ever watched the flames when a gentle breeze hits? 
The sparks fly upward and ride upon the wind, spreading the flame far and wide.
When we raise our children knowing God, when they are out of our site, we hope that they become the spark.
These sparks are used by God to spread the message wherever they go.
Each believer is a spark driven on the Divine Wind of God's empowering Spirit.

Have a blessed day!

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