Thursday, August 15, 2024

prioritize what matters

*I’m taking some time off to spend with family, so I hope you will enjoy these reflections of “the best of daily bread by Kitty” They are some of my favorites over the years. Thank you for reading and I’ll be back before you know it!*  


prioritize what matters (Thursday, November 13, 2022)


Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be.

- Luke 12:34 (TLB)


Today we have all these electronic calendars and gadgets to help us organize our lives, we even have wearable devices that tell us to stand up when we have been sedentary too long.

We can set reminders on our phones so we don’t forget to take out the trash, some vehicles even have an audible reminder to check the back seat before you get out.

I still use paper calendars and a Franklin Planner to track where I am supposed to be and when.

It is scary how busy my life is, some weeks I feel like I don’t get to breathe because there is always another meeting, another event, somewhere that I am expected to be.

We have to prioritize what matters.

Actually, I was quite angry when someone told me that earlier this year.

I was at an event planning meeting and every date that was suggested I had something else going on and would not be able to attend.

After the meeting I had a separate conversation with the leader who not so kindly suggested that I needed to perhaps stop doing so much with other parts of my life so I could focus on this part.

I am no longer involved with that organization even though it holds a special place in my heart because I know that I am where God wants me to be.

I am still quite busy, but I make sure I am available for what I consider my treasure: my family (this includes people that are not related) and God.

If you are facing challenges with where you spend your time take a moment to put things into perspective, decide what your treasure, ask for God’s guidance, seek counsel from others. 

Your heart and thoughts will lead you.


Daily Inspiration from the Bible


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