Monday, August 19, 2024

give an answer

 *last one!!! I took time off and left you with some of my favorite “daily bread by Kitty” posts.  Thank you for hanging with me while I was out, I’ll be back live tomorrow!*  


give an answer (Tuesday, October 18, 2022)


But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.

- 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV)


Everyone has something to say and an opinion about everything.

Some people do not understand how to say things with gentleness and respect.

I have had many people over the years ask me why I have so much faith in a god I cannot see, especially those who know some of the things I have been through in my life.

First let me say that there are many out there, some that are reading this right now, that have been through far worse than I have, and they too, still have faith in God.

I have hope because I know the promises my God made.

I have hope because I have seen His miracles.

I have hope because I know my Redeemer lives (oh yes, that is a song reference).

I will share those reasons with anyone who inquires.

In May of 2020 the COVID quarantine was going strong, families were tired of “sheltering in place”, people just wanted to celebrate things again.

I participated in three parades to make people happy.

One parade was for a little boy from our church celebrating his 6th birthday during this first part of the pandemic.

We gathered up some of our biker friends from the Christian Motorcycle Association and a few random motorcycle enthusiasts plus probably 20 cars belonging to church members.

The second was sponsored by the city of Pea Ridge and the parade went through the entire town!

It was amazing to see all the families sitting or standing outside waving and thanking us for joining the parade, I’m sure there were nearly 100 bikes!

The third was for a little girl also turning 6 years old, her Grandma and Grandpa ride and arranged a parade for her.

The biker community came through and I think there most have been 75 bikes roar past her house.

The cool thing about these parades is the wide variety of representation that joins in, there were members from Tribe of Judah Motorcycle Ministries, Combat Vets Motorcycle Association, Christian Motorcycle Association, Polecats MC, and many others wearing their colors proudly.

The organizers prepare the group for 30-40 minutes for a 20 second ride past someone’s home.

What if you had 20 seconds to tell someone about the Gospel?

Are you prepared to share His Word, His teaching, and show them that Jesus is the way?

I hope that people see my CMA colors and ask me about Christ, because I want to continue to “change lives one heart at a time”.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

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