Friday, August 30, 2024

eyes of a fool

Wisdom is with the one who has understanding, but the eyes of a fool are on the ends of the earth.

- Proverbs 17:24 (NLV)


Are you a spontaneous person that sees something that you want and immediately obtain it through what ever means necessary, and later you experience buyer’s remorse?
We don’t need everything. 
We don’t need the things our neighbor or friend has. 
I was in the store last weekend and overheard a conversation between a mom and her child.
Child: Mom, where did that girl get that balloon? 
Mom: I don’t know, maybe someone gave it to her. 
Child: Why? 
Mom: I don’t know. 
Child: Well, I want one. 
Mom: Not today sweetie, we have too much going on. 
Child: I don’t care. I want a balloon. (child’s voice starts to rise) I want THAT balloon and I want it NOW.  Go get it for me or I will hate you.
There were several other items in the cart that were probably for this child. 
I watched this mom, it was obviously not her first rodeo, she walked up to a store employee and said, “Sir, could you help me?”
The child has this triumphant look on his face, as though he had won and was about to get the balloon.
The store employee smiled and said “of course! What can I do for you?” 
Mom said “I need to leave the store right this minute, but I did not want to leave my cart full of items (she had quite a bit) just sitting here. There is nothing perishable, so if you could take it to customer service, here is my business card, I will be back to pick it up in a few hours or so, I promise I will be back before you close tonight.”
The store employee agreed and took the cart, the mom took her child by the hand and started to walk toward the store’s exit.
The child started howling “Whhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyy!!!” and mom calmly said, “we can’t always have what we want, and there are consequences when we think that we can. I’m taking you home, and I will come back later and buy the only things that our family needs from that cart.”
The child had no response.
It was rather dramatic, but wow, I am so proud of that mom, because even though it probably inconvenienced her, she taught the child a lesson.
We can’t always have what we want. 
And only a fool sets their eyes on the things they can’t have.  



Daily Inspiration from the Bible


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