Thursday, September 14, 2023

you can tell a lot about a person

Those who do what is right take good care of their animals. But the kindest acts of those who do wrong are mean.

- Proverbs 12:10 (NIRV)


Anyone that knows me knows that I love cats. 

I love all of God’s creatures (except spiders and snakes, but that is another day), but cats are my passion.
I worked with a couple of rescue organizations for a while, and let me tell you, I have seen some of the worst of humanity while working in rescue. 
God created us to care for His kingdom, and that includes His animals.

That means, food, water, shelter, and love.

Granted, we are not living in the days when people relied on animals for their living, plowing fields, transporting goods, turning mills, but we still need to care for animals.

All animals.

And it is not just a matter of being kind on the outside – God knows your heart.

To all my single friends out there – when you are looking for a potential mate, watch how they treat animals - like the verse says, the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.

And if someone is going to mistreat a cat, a dog, or a horse, how are they really going to treat you?



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