Monday, September 4, 2023

it’s not worth fighting over

But keep away from foolish disagreements. Don’t argue about family histories. Don’t make trouble. Don’t fight about what the law teaches. Don’t argue about things like that. It doesn’t do any good. It doesn’t help anyone.

- Titus 3:9 (NIRV)


Have you ever had an argument with someone that was so ridiculous that you just couldn’t believe that it was an argument?

It can be so frustrating to repeat yourself and people look for (and find) a loophole to your logic and continue down their path of craziness. 
These kinds of situations can destroy relationships and cause extreme anxiety, and it is so not worth it.

Keeping away from foolish disagreements is difficult, especially with today’s dependence on social media, but you can avoid commenting on the posts. 
I’ve learned that with some people you just have to keep scrolling. 
Chances of winning an argument on social media is slim, so why pour energy into trying?

It doesn’t do any good. It doesn’t help anyone.

Those are words to live by.




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