Friday, September 1, 2023

peace in the chaos

You will keep the peace, a perfect peace, for all who trust in You, for those who dedicate their hearts and minds to You.

- Isaiah 26:3 (VOICE)


The world around us is in chaos.

Maybe you are used to craziness with work schedules, kids in school, too many activities and never a moment of peace.

Perhaps you just feel overwhelmed with all of the turbulent emotions surrounding the upcoming elections (that talk is just beginning – we have a year of that coming).

Sometimes we just want one day where we don’t hear about the negativity gong on in our country.


Do we even know what it is? 
Some of us make lists, goodness, I have a list for everything: a daily task list, a weekly to-do, a monthly “this has to get done” list, grocery lists and packing lists, and lists for parties and events.

One of my daily devotionals talked about lists, about how we make mental checklists (or physical ones) of the things that we need to do in order to gain control of our lives.

If only we could check everything off our lists, we would be able to relax, but then, one more thing gets added.

It seems that the harder we work to get everything off our list, the more things get added, the more frustrated we become and we never find peace.


Do we even know what it is?

We can know, and deep down we do know.

We can find peace in the middle of this mess by putting Jesus first.

Wake up in the morning, and think of Him first, instead of that first cup of coffee or getting ready for work.

Before you go to bed at night, think of Him, thank Him for everything you had that day.

By turning to Jesus, you will find peace in the chaos.




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