They will tell lies and false stories so they can use you to get things for themselves. But God judged them long ago and their death is on the way.
- 2 Peter 2:3 (NLV)
One of the “life lessons” we should learn while on earth is not to believe everything that we read or hear.
Especially since the inception of the internet, there are so many mistruths it becomes difficult to discern what is real and what is fabricated.
People will tell stories to make themselves feel better including everything you did wrong, very quickly forgetting the good things that you did when it no longer benefits them.
Some people spend their entire lives convincing themselves that they deserve the things others have when those others dedicated their lives to working for those things.
Listen carefully to what you are being told about someone else.
If someone talks badly about you, remember that normal people don’t go around trying to destroy other people.
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