Friday, September 20, 2019

what's inside?

A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit.
-Luke 6:43

Have you ever cut open a beautiful apple, to find that the inside is full of worms and mush?
Do you blame the tree?
Of course not, it is not the tree’s fault that a worm got into the apple!
The outside of the apple may have been pristine and shiny, but the horror that lurked within – ew!
Eventually the worm would have done his damage and the outside of the apple would have also become ugly.
It is essentially the same with people.
What is inside our heart will eventually show on the surface.
If you love Jesus and live for Him, this manifests itself into kindness and caring.
But, if you are showing jealousy and bitterness, hatred and selfishness, well, maybe you should check your heart.
People know what is inside your heart by the way you live.   

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