Friday, December 7, 2018

be nice

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.
- Romans 12:10

During the Christmas season, we need to remember a lot.
Shopping lists, wish lists, helping the less fortunate by dropping money in red buckets or working at soup kitchens & food banks.
We need to remember what size Aunt Jill wears so we can buy her that pretty sweater we saw.
We need to remember cousin Beth’s favorite scent for the candles we are getting her.
So. Much. To. Remember.
And so many horrible attitudes when you go shopping or when you are driving.
I am the first to admit – I get road rage.
Heck, I get road rage pushing the cart in the store!
Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.
Go ahead, I’ll let you pull in front of me in traffic or take my spot in the checkout line.
God tells me I should be nice 😊
Have a blessed day!

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