Wednesday, October 17, 2018

change this heart

"I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from me there is no savior. I have revealed and saved and proclaimed — I, and not some foreign god among you. You are my witnesses," declares the Lord, "that I am God."
— Isaiah 43:11-12

My heart wants everyone to know my God.
I have very good friends that know He is there, but they are so mad at Him that they cannot see Him.
I have very good friends that simply do not believe.
I still love you all.
Song reference!
I've been trying to run away from this false reality
No matter where I turn my back you're always right in front of me
So I push you away, but I don't know that I'm wrong
I don't know the words to say to make my faith that strong

So I will pray to you right now
To take away my sin
Heal away my brokenness
And change this heart again

Without you I am nothing
But a weak and dying man
So I will pray to you right now
And change this heart again

What is going through the motions
If my life is still the same
Everyday's the same old puzzle
All the pieces re-arranged
And I refuse your help
Out of my own selfish pride
Lord I have so many masks
To cover up and hide

So I will pray to you right now
To take away my sin
Come heal away my brokenness
And change this heart again
Without you I am nothing
But a weak and a dying man

So I will pray to you right now
Come change this heart again

So I will pray to you my Lord
To change this heart again

I am not perfect, I have been separated from God too.
But faith brought me back to the God who saved me. 

Have a blessed day.

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