Tuesday, June 26, 2018

world vs. soul

What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his very soul?

Oh you know this is a song reference!
But I will spare you today.
I am going to make a weird comparison here, so bear with me a moment.
Think about a time when you have gone shopping and you are getting ready to check out and the cashier says “if you spend $100 you get 10% off” and you think whoa!! What a deal, and head back to do more shopping?
But what if you had only had $50 in merchandise? 
Are you going to go spend another $50 just to save $10?
Those bargains and deals sound great on the surface, but in reality you just spent $90 when your original trip was only $50.
(thank you to my husband for teaching me wise financial decisions!!)
Now slip back to the Bible verse.
How many times do you suppose that you are offered the “deal of a lifetime” but not warned of the consequences?
I remember an episode of The X-Files, when Mulder and Scully were investigating a magic genie in a lamp.
Mulder wished for world peace, and the wish was granted, and he was the only person left in the world.
When he asked why, the genie said that the only way for there to be world peace is for there to be no humans, because humans are predestined to fight and go to war.
Now, I don’t know about all that, but I do know that I am not willing to give up my family, my friends, and my soul just to gain the world.
Oh – and if you are interested, go listen to Toby Mac “Lose My Soul” – that is the song reference.

Have a blessed day!

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