Wednesday, June 13, 2018

What if it’s just a little sin?

Everything is pure to those who are themselves pure; but nothing is pure to those who are defiled and unbelieving, for their minds and consciences have been defiled.
– Titus 1:1

Sin corrupts our whole life.
Our sin can be found in every nook, every cranny, every tiny speck of our lives.
We have got to stop sinning! 
Even the smallest sin can grow and expand and soon cover the entire person.
Think of a dandelion, one little plant with one little flower.
When the little flower goes from yellow to a poofy white, that is when our “little white lie” is born.
Along comes a gentle breeze and the poofiness is blown away, and you might think your dandelion is gone.
But a few days later you look and in another part of the yard is a new dandelion, and the cycle repeats until the whole yard is covered in dandelions and if you don’t stop them, they just keep growing. 
I don’t know about you, but I want my yard lush and green, not covered in dandelions, which means, I have to take care to make sure no dandelions appear.
Just like in life, if we don’t have any sin, there is nothing to spread and corrupt us.

Have a blessed day!

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