Wednesday, April 17, 2024


As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

- Isaiah 55:9 (NKJV)


I am a little bit of a nerd . . .  my brother raised me on Star Trek and Star Wars, my husband further encouraged my love for fantasy/sci-fi by exposing me to Battlestar Galactica and the Marvel superheroes so forgive me if when I hear this verse, my mind wanders to the Vulcan mind meld “my mind to your mind, my thoughts to your thoughts”.

Sometimes I feel like it would be nice to know what God is thinking, but in reality, there is no way our tiny human minds could possibly comprehend the vast expanse of knowledge that God has. 

Honestly, I don’t think that we would want to, either.

Our hearts could not take the pain and suffering that God sees, we see the suffering of our friends, family, neighborhoods, even cities, states, and countries, but God sees it ALL. 

If it hurts us to see our friends and family in pain and we are not able to do anything, imagine how God feels when He sees His children hurting, and not turning to Him.

God’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours, but He wants us to lean on Him, call out to Him, and rely on Him, and when we trust Him in all things.
This option is far better than a Vulcan mind meld.  



Daily Inspiration from the Bible


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