Friday, April 26, 2024

build me up, Buttercup

So let us do all we can to live in peace. And let us work hard to build up one another.

- Romans 14:19 (NIRV)


Back in 1968 there was a song released by a band called the Foundations called Build Me Up Buttercup.
It hit number three on the Billboard in 1969, and it rose in popularity again when it was featured in the 1998 film There’s Something About Mary.
Since then, it has been on TV and in film and used in a series of Geico commercials.
If you build someone up, you help them to feel stronger or more confident, and don’t we all want someone to do that for us?

The song has a catchy uplifting tune, but the lyrics were a little controversial in that the singer was desperate for a girl who did not reciprocate his affection.
In the song, the girl is said to basically lie to the guy, saying she will call but she doesn’t, or she will meet him and she doesn’t show.
She builds up his confidence and then destroys him by not following through. 
People do that all the time in real life, sadly.

If we go by what the Bible says, we are definitely supposed to build each other up, there are over twenty verses telling us to encourage one another.
I think that if the human race would be more encouraging and less degrading we would have the peace that is talked about in this verse.
We all can use some building up. 
I challenge you to say something nice to the next person you see. 
It might be fun to see how many people we can make have a little bit of a brighter day by working hard to build them up.   



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

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