Monday, December 25, 2017

Not to condemn

For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.

This gift we were given, it seems that there is a lot of misconception around the reason God sent Jesus.
Jesus was not sent to judge us, but to save us.
He did not come to punish us, but to show us mercy and grace.
The devil would love for us to think that our God is about condemnation, but I am telling you, that simply is not true!
God wanted us to have salvation, He wants to be our Father and us to be His children.
On the calendar, Christmas is over, the pretty paper is gone and the presents have been distributed.
But Christmas should not be over in our hearts, every single day we should celebrate that God gave us the best gift ever in His Son Jesus.

Have a blessed day.

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