Tuesday, June 4, 2024

take a walk

 Happy is the one who has not walked in the advice of the wicked, nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in the seat of scoffers.

- Psalm 1:1 (TLV)


My husband used to fuss at me for not watching where I was walking, I’ve been known to walk into a wall, pole, tree, another person because I was not paying attention.
We do need to watch where we walk, but not just where we walk, but who we walk with.
The Message translation is a bit harsh with this verse, almost condescending: 
How well God must like you— you don’t walk in the ruts of those blind-as-bats, you don’t stand with the good-for-nothings, you don’t take your seat among the know-it-alls.
As terrible as that version sounds, God does prefer that we not listen to those who would mislead us.
Sadly, the same ones that will mislead us are the ones that most of us want to be like.
Think about the people you look up to, call heroes or role models, or put on a pedestal.
Are they really leading you in the right direction? 
Not only do we need to watch where we are walking and with whom we are walking, we also need to be careful of who we are following.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

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