Wednesday, June 26, 2024

at your service

Be like the Son of Man. He did not come to be served. Instead, he came to serve others. He came to give his life as the price for setting many people free.

- Matthew 20:28 (NIRV)


I love going to an establishment where I am the recipient of exceptional service.
But so often these days people have forgotten what “service” is. 
Here are two scenarios to ponder: 
“Steve” is a senior vice president of a major corporation. 
Steve takes time every day to listen to his staff, becoming personally involved in their lives both at work and at home.
When one of his employees faced a devastating event, Steve was at the employee’s home, working quietly in the background to ensure the comfort of the family as they dealt with this crushing blow.
“Hank” is also a senior vice president, but most of his employees only know his face from the many corporate meetings that he holds.
When one of his employees was out of the office due to a crushing blow, Hank only noticed that one of his reports was late, resulting in Hank appearing to not know what was going on in one of his meetings.

Hank stormed out of his office, seeking the person responsible for the report.
When he was advised that this person was out of the office unexpectedly dealing with an overwhelming event, Hank showed no concern for the employee and he belittled the manager in front of the team for not getting the report out and making him look bad in his meeting.
Which boss would you rather have? 
Humble leadership is indeed a rare quality, but we do have a great example of humble leadership in Jesus.
Regardless of his title, our fictitious boss Steve served his team, while Hank was only concerned with himself and his image.

Jesus stepped into human history as an infant, then spent His life serving humanity by sacrificing His own life to offer eternal life.
Jesus’ presence was full of humility and service, without a drop of domination or control, and although Jesus deserved all the glory, He used His life to bring hope, healing, restoration and dignity to His people.
How counter-cultural is this? 

In God’s kingdom, greatness is not about power or status, but about service and sacrificial love.
How can we be more like Jeus?   



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

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