Wednesday, June 19, 2024

make it about love

But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.

- Colossians 3:14 (NKJV)


We all face a multitude of decisions every day.
Some are really small, like what color shirt to wear, others are really big, like how to respond to the person that is rude to you every day.
Or what to say to the person that has hurt you in the past. 

The third chapter of Colossians tells us what our character should be like.
We shouldn’t be angry, we shouldn’t lie, the list of things that we shouldn’t do is long.
But so is the list of things we should do. 

A person of good character should be merciful, kind, forgiving, and loving.
The Bible really emphasizes love, love is a really big deal to God. 

Because He loves us. 
When we show love to others, we are showing God’s love for us. 
God’s love is perfect.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

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