Tuesday, August 24, 2021

writer’s block

For we wanted to come to you—certainly I, Paul, did, again and again—but Satan blocked our way.

- 1 Thessalonians 2:18


I was struggling with verses for my “daily bread”, I told my husband that I was experiencing “writer’s block”, I have a lot of author friends that will understand this completely.

My husband (amazing man that he is) immediately said I should use 1 Thessalonians 2:18. 

I know I gave him a weird look as I pulled the verse up in Bible Gateway.


Not only wow because this hit the nail on the head for me but also wow because our sermon series in church right now is on 1 Thessalonians and in fact, this verse was covered Sunday. 

I want to write encouraging words to my readers, find verses that impact all of us in our daily lives, remind us all how we are truly loved by our King.

I am a thousand percent positive that Satan does not want me to share. 
I wonder then, how many times we have wanted to say or do something and we have been blocked?

Perhaps the kid sitting alone in the cafeteria at school and we wanted to go sit with him or her, but Satan jumped into our mind and told us that we would be laughed at. 
Maybe the mom we see in the store struggling with the unruly child and tears in her eyes because she feels like everyone is judging her and we just wanted to say an encouraging word, but Satan turned us in another direction instead. 
How many times have we missed a chance to share God’s love because we were blocked by the evil one?

I want to write encouraging words and reference Bible verses, and share the word of God and I will continue to do that, no matter how hard Satan tries to block me.

I challenge you to do the same.






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