Monday, February 13, 2017

Love everyone

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

It is Valentine’s Day week.
Many of my single friends refer to this as “single’s awareness day”.
Other friends ask why we signify one day a year to show people how much we love them when we ought to love every day!
Think about it – does God only show His love for us one day a year?
NO!  We are loved by the Creator of the Universe.
He knows us personally.
Our Heavenly Father cares about us tremendously.
Although God knew about our weaknesses and sinfulness, He was willing to pay a terrible price to redeem us.
Even though we are sometimes weak or rebellious, He loves us, forgives us, and welcomes us back when we are willing to confess our sins and come home to Him.
So if God has consistently, faithfully, and graciously loved us, how can we not share that love with each other?
And how can we not share it every single day?
Go love on someone right now!!

Have a blessed day! 

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