Thursday, October 13, 2016

Fill your heart

“As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.”
– Daniel 12:13

I am not afraid to die, I know that when I die it will be a glorious reunion.
But I keep my calendar so full, too full and I wonder what happens if I get to the end of my life and there are still many things left undone?
Daniel felt this way during a heavenly vision, but the angel of the LORD assured Daniel that he was not responsible for the things to come.
Daniel’s priority was to be faithful with what was in front of him.
Our reward is not based upon how much activity we have done, but how we have been faithful to what God has set before us.
I will continue to fill my calendar – but will be more careful to fill my heart.

Have a blessed day! 

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