temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he
will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted,
he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
Most people who
know me, know that I have struggled with my weight my whole life.
I have been super
fat, I have been super skinny and I have been that happy medium.
My biggest
challenge? Temptation. I cannot stay away
from milk chocolate and unhealthy snacks and there are no “healthy portions” in
my world.
But, I carry on
each day, working to lose the weight I have gained or to maintain the happy
In the face of
temptation, God has promised us two things: (1) a way out, and (2) the power to
stand up under trial.
Can we truly
believe this?
Yes, of course,
because Jesus demonstrated this power, God promised us this power, and we can
look at brothers and sisters in Christ who have triumphed by this power!
However, we must
not think that the way out means that we are not going to face challenges,
hardships, or difficulties.
Any one of us that
have faced any type of struggle – weight, addiction, illness – we know that we
have to face the stormy days.
Character is
produced by both refusing to give into the temptation and also refusing to give
up during the challenges we face for remaining faithful.
God will provide us
a way out, but He is also interested in developing our holy character.
Where the balance
is between the two is God's work.
Whether we choose
to remain faithful is our work.
Have a blessed day!