Tuesday, October 1, 2024

know it all

You don’t know the path the wind takes. You don’t know how a baby is made inside its mother. So you can’t understand how God works either. He made everything.

- Ecclesiastes 11:5 (NIRV)


Over the years I have met a lot of people.
There are some that I click with instantly, we become fast friends and remain friends to this day.
There are some that I can have a working relationship with, but I will evade social situations with them.
Then there are the ones that if I never see them again it will be too soon. 
This may come as a surprise to some because I seem to make friends so easily, but there are a few character traits that I despise in people and will avoid those who practice those traits.
Liars are at the top of this list, if you are gong to base your life and my friendship on lies then just stay away – I don’t need you.
Next up are the “one-uppers”, the everything you can do they can do better people, the ones that are always richer, sicker, smarter, better than you.
Also high on the list are the ‘know-it-alls”, the ones that know everything that everyone will do/say/think before it happens.
We can’t possibly know everything. 
No one can. 

Just like it says in the Bible, we don’t know what path the wind will take – made evident by any storm that comes through, the weatherman can try to predict, but he will never be exact. 
We don’t know how a baby is made – we have a lot of guesses and have spent years studying everything about it, but the miracle still belongs to God.
And we can’t understand how He works, no matter how much we examine His work, we will never know the depth of His masterpieces.
He is God and we are not. 
It is that simple. 


Daily Inspiration from the Bible

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